Staying Safe During COVID-19

A guide for victims and survivors of domestic abuse

Bright Sky App

Providing support and information to anyone who may be in an abusive relationship or those concerned about someone they know

Support for modern slavery victims affected by a coronavirus

Government announces immediate changes for people in the modern slavery victim care contract

Applying for a domestic violence (Family Law Act) injunction for unrepresented applicants

Details on how to apply for a domestic violence injunction as an unrepresented applicant during the coronavirus outbreak

Support package for legal providers will ensure access to justice during coronavirus outbreak

Initial support measures will help legal aid providers weather the coronavirus pandemic while maintaining access to justice for the most vulnerable in society

Changes to Asylum & Resettlement policy & practice

Summary of the government’s response to COVID-19 to date, noting key temporary changes to asylum and resettlement policy and practice

Coronavirus and the UK immigration system

Measures taken to combat the spread of coronavirus and COVID-19 disease have changed almost every aspect of society both here in the UK and around the world

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